Being able to manage risk is becoming more crucial than ever, especially financial. Prevent yourself from financial risk such as debts, bankruptcy, or unexpected high expense from unforeseen tragedies such as illness, accident, even death. Protect yourself from any financial risk with insurance products as we provide below.

General Insurance

Protect yourself and your favorite car on the road against any financial loss due to damage to the car in the event of an accident of theft with car insurance. This insurance provides all coverages with great value for your money.

  • Physical damage and theft protection will free you from spending unexpected expense due to minor or major damage on you car.
  • Liability risk protection will protect you from financial loss due to giving the third party compensation.
  • Personal Accident Protection will insure you from any medical bill and provides you death compensation caused by car accident.

Get your property a comprehensive protection from the unexpected. If your home is damaged, or your property including its belongings are destroyed caused by certain accidents, then our property insurance will get you covered.

  • Protection from fire is where your property insurance will pay for damages to property and other losses you may suffer from a fire caused by insured’s staffs, neighbor, thief, or others.
  • Protection from lightning is where your property insurance will pay for damages to your personal property and other losses you may suffer from a lightning, especially for machines, electronics, or electricity.
  • Protection from explosion is where your property insurance will pay for damages to property and other losses you may suffer from an explosion caused by swelling of steam/gas.

Every motorcyclist needs insurance! Motorcycle insurance is like any other type of vehicle insurance, it provides protection in the event of an accident and third party, which covers you for damage done to another person and/or their vehicle.

  • Personal accident protection will insure you from any medical bill and provides you death compensation caused by motorbike accident.
  • Third liability protection will protect you from financial loss due to giving the third party compensation.
  • Natural disasters protection provides ways to protect your motorcycle from natural calamites such as earthquake or tsunami.

If you’re planning to travel and the unexpected happens, travel insurance will not only protect you from hefty costs and medical bills, but also safeguards against other travel related emergencies that could spoil your trip such as losing a passport or baggage.

  • Medical protection will cover your medical care while travelling, whether you get sick, injured, or need to be evacuated, protecting you from out-of-pocket health care expenses.
  • Undelightful trip is one of risks that might occurred while you’re travelling, travel insurance will let you claim benefits such as delay flight or cancelled trip right away.
  • Additional cash compensation will be provided by travel insurance if specific risks happen to you while travelling such as terrorism threat, credit card misuse, or excess cost for rental vehicle.

For small to medium-sized companies, loss and damage to goods can destroy a bottom line. Therefore, having a Marine Cargo Insurance as a protection plan should be a consideration as it covers your goods for any loss or damage while on road, air, or sea conveyance.

  • Fire or explosion is the highest risk that might happen marine cargo might. Lessen the risk of loss or damage to your goods or conveyance with marine cargo insurance.
  • Damage caused by sea water, lake, or river to your sea conveyance will cost you a lot, but with marine cargo insurance, loss expense will be covered so you away from financial loss.
  • Rough seas that cause damage to goods can be very frustrating. Keep your goods from any accident while on sea voyages with marine cargo insurance.

Health & Life Insurance

Stay well physically, emotionally, and financially with health insurance. Aims to ensure you can easily access the best quality of health care treatment, health insurance also made for you away from financial loss due to unexpected medical care bills.

  • Retail health insurance is the most common type of health insurance that you usually found. This insurance will cover general medical care such as inpatient and outpatient treatment, medicine cost, and more.
  • Small-medium enterprise insurance will cover medical expenses of less than 20 employees within an organization.
  • Tailor-made health insurance will help you create specific health care coverage that you and your hundreds of employees need.

Life Insurance acts as financial protection for your family in case of your death due to accident of illness. The death benefit can be used to pay for expenses like a mortgage, children’s college costs, final funeral arrangements, long-term care, and more.

  • Individual life insurance provides a lump sum of money, called the death benefit, to a designated beneficiary after your death that is caused by an accident or illness.
  • Critical illness insurance covers serious illnesses listed within a policy. If you get one of these illnesses, a critical illness insurance will pay out a lump sum of money.
  • Personal Accident covers the risks of death, permanent disability, treatment and or medication costs which are directly caused by any accident.

Micro Insurance

Moveable Property All Risks Insurance will cover all risk for any loss and/or damage to the insured’s moveable property (gadget/electronics) due to accidental damage or act of crime and from any cause whilst contained within the policy.

  • Electronic policy will be sent to you within 1×24 hours.
  • Digital Claim or paperless claim makes complex claim processes become easier, and faster simply through your phone.
  • Affordable Premium applies for all essential insurance products offered by micro insurance.

Provides compensation for the insured from any injury/treatment/inpatient/allergy caused by the use/consumption of insured.

  • Electronic policy will be sent to you within 1×24 hours.
  • Digital Claim or paperless claim makes complex claim processes become easier, and faster simply through your phone.
  • Affordable Premium applies for all essential insurance products offered by micro insurance.

Credit default insurance is the insurance product that compensates the insured from losses caused by principal loan repayment failure due to any reasons that’s not under the exclusion.

  • Electronic policy will be sent to you within 1×24 hours.
  • Digital Claim or paperless claim makes complex claim processes become easier, and faster simply through your phone.
  • Affordable Premium applies for all essential insurance products offered by micro insurance.


​​​​​​​Plants and Machinery like fork, lift trucks, compressors, bulldozers, drilling machines, etc, account for a major part of a contractor’s investment. There are various risks associated with damage to these vital plant & machinery due to all the toughest work on any project site is done by these plants & machineries.

  • Insured plant and machinery for any physical damage by any cause, Complete cover on partial or total damage to equipment or machinery(unless specifically excluded on policy condition).
  • Cover for all insured items, whether at work, rest, or being dismantled for cleaning and overhauling​ (unless specifically excluded on policy condition).
  • Third Party Liability.

Personal Accident Insurance covers the risks of death, permanent disability, treatment and or medication costs which are directly caused by any accident, such as an event or incident that contains violence, either physically or chemically, which comes suddenly, unexpectedly or unplanned, from the outside, visible, directly to the Insured and caused personal injury, which the nature and place can be determined by Medical Science.

  • Risk of death caused by accident. This type of insurance provides compensation if the Insured, whose name is recorded in the policy, is dead or loss caused by an accident that is covered in the policy.
  • Risk of permanent disability caused by accident. This type of insurance provides compensation if the Insured, whose name recorded in the policy, experiences permanent disability, partially or completely, caused by an accident that is covered in the policy.
  • Hospital treatment and medication costs caused by accident (maximum 10% of the sum insured). This type of insurance provides compensation of treatment or medication reimbursement if the Insured, whose name is recorded in the policy, experiences an accident that is covered in the policy.

Marine Hull Insurance is an insurance product which provides coverage for hulls, along with its machinery and equipment, against damage or loss arising due to shipping risks and perils of the seas.

  • CL. 280 (All Risk (Comprehensive)) Guarantees any damage, either partial or total.
  • CL.284/CL.289 Total Loss

    Actual Total Loss

    • Vessel is wrecked or completely destroyed
    • The Insured is unable to regain ownership of the vessel
    • Vessel is declared ‘lost’, i.e. not found for more than 6 months since the voyage ended

    Constructive Total Loss

    • The Insured cannot regain ownership of the vessel (deprived) and the estimated cost to regain the vessel is higher than the value of the vessel if the vessel can be saved
    • Vessel is heavily damaged that the repair cost is higher than the insured value

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